Ways to Relax at Work

relax work
The work day is not what it used to be. Employers are hiring less people to do more work. Many people’s work day is hectic non-stop from the time that they arrive until the time they get to go home. There is more and more demanded of them now because of the downturn in the economy. People go to work everyday worried that they will be laid off. There are things that you can do to combat this constant stress and relax a little even while you are at work.
• Take a walk. Use your breaks and lunch hour to take a brisk walk. This can make you feel revived and awake. It also counts towards the 30 minutes of exercise you need each day to be healthy. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce blood pressure and anxiety.
• Have a turkey sandwich for lunch. Turkey has a chemical in it that promotes relaxation and sleep. The carbohydrates in the bread trigger your brain to release serotonin which will help you feel relaxed and calm. Add a slice of lowfat cheese and have an apple with your sandwich and you will have a healthy, well balanced lunch.
• Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths. This can calm your nerves and bring you back into the current moment. Make sure that you focus on the way your breath feels as it fills your lungs and then how it feels on the top of your lip as you exhale.
• Buy an ergonomic chair. You sit in your chair for eight hours per day, so you want it to be comfortable. This is one way to stop pain before it even starts.
• Clear the clutter from your desk. The clutter creates metal pollution and can wear you out mentally. Before you leave for the day stop making excuses and clean your desk. This will really feel good the next morning when you come into work to a clean desk.

Source: Ineedmotivation


iszaid said...

Take tea-time break and add scones if you can or a bran muffin or a cranberry bran muffin or any pastry of your choice. Kick back and prop up your feet and envision yourself on a deserted and twilight beach with the dying sun at your back and hear within your mind as you close your eyes, the sound of the surf and the play and cries from the gulls above your head.

You are at one with the sky and the dying sun, the sound of surf and sea and the gulls crying the blues as you connect with the blues, purples, greys and whites of the sea/ocean, and the colors of gold-to-crimson( almost) and the deeper blues as well as lavender and plums then tranquil blues as you see/feel your evening angel next to you. close so close. As you drink your herbal tea? You stay there on your mind set beach. For at least 15-25 minutes keep this vision close to you.
After your set I time for yourself is up breath deeply inwardly and out deeply a few times or less.

Slowly come -to knowing how much better you’ll feel with the rest of the morning or afternoon coming your way.

Relax a few and then annoy the rest of your day and or work day.

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