Decompress From Stress

Oh, some seek bread—no more—life’s mere subsistence.
And some seek wealth and ease—the common quest.
And some seek fame, that hovers in the distance;
But all are seeking rest.
– Frederick Langbridge

Start by breathing. Oxygenating the blood helps induce our body’s relaxation response. Suck air deeply, from the diaphragm. In through the nose, out from the mouth.
Keep breathing. Now, close your eyes. Visualize a calm place. How about a white beach on Tahiti?
Focus on the details in your calm place. The grains of white sand, the soothing beat of the ocean, the shade of palm fronds, the call of seabirds.
Start massaging yourself. Yes, yourself. Rub your hands together. Thumb in the palm of your hand is a common technique.
Feel more relaxed? Open your eyes again. Restore normal breathing. Stop the massage. Get back into the moment…
Dump out that cup of coffee. Drinking caffeine is like throwing kerosene on the fire of your stress. You don’t need an accelerant. You need something to relax.
Instead of coffee, make yourself an herbal tea. They come in many delightful flavors. Choose a couple of your favorites and have them handy.
Smile and joke with people around you. Smiling and laughter stimulates pleasure centers in our brain. You will feel more relaxed immediately.
Finally, look again at what is causing the stress. Look from a positive viewpoint— We began with a poem about the need to rest, by Frederick Langbridge. Let’s end with a quote of his, his most famous one:
Two men look out the same prison bars;
One sees the mud, and the other the stars.

You can do it.
This article was written by Campbell Venn. Comments and suggestions welcome at

15 Interesting Quotes Found Today On Twitter

One thing that is great about Twitter, is the fact that it has a real-time search engine. So at any moment in time, you can get a glimpse of what people are thinking/saying around the world about any particular topic. So I decided to check out what interesting & thought-provoking quotes were being shared right now in the “Twitterverse”. Here is what I found:
May no gift be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness, and tied with love. -L. O. Baird
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”- Will Rogers
“Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.” Anais Nin
Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t. -Richard Bach
Not snow, no, nor rain, nor heat, nor night keeps them from accomplishing their appointed courses with all speed. -Herodotus
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier
“All we need to be responsible for is the present moment. Only the present is within our reach.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another. -Marquis de Condorcet
Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live. – Margaret Fuller
“Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force.” — Rhonda Byrne
Do something. If it doesn’t work, do something else. No idea is too crazy. -Jim Hightower
Take a chance All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. -Dale Carnegie
To die for an idea is to set a rather high price upon conjecture. -Anatole France
Forgiveness means letting go of the past. -Gerald Jampolsky
“People tweet, few connect” 

Source: Ineedmotivation

Motivasi diri - bagaimana mengekalkan fikiran positif yang semakin luntur?

Sekali lagi saya ditanya, jika artikel-artikel motivasi kat sini semuanya percuma, kenapa ada iklan? Jawapan saya, duit hasil iklan tu saya gunakan untuk beli buku setiap bulan, spesifiknya saya habis baca 2 buku dalam1 minggu. Satu darinya adalah buku motivasi.
Oleh kerana blog kerap diupdate, saya kena sedia sejumlah wang dari blog untuk membayar ruang hosting yang lebih besar bagi menampung jumlah artikel yang semakin bertambah (selain menampung bilangan pengunjung yang semakin ramai). Heran juga kenapa ramai pembaca tanya soklan ni, mungkin mereka dari kalangan bloggers.
Sekurang-kurangnya, blog boleh berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah “sustainable entity” tanpa suntikan modal berkali-kali daripada saya sebagai pemiliknya. Semua sumber kewangan datang dari sumber dalaman blog, mengalir semula ke blog itu juga dalam bentuk informasi. Semuanya percuma, untuk kebaikan bersama.
Tutup cerita pasal blog, meh kita cerita pasal fikiran positif pulak. Isu paling terkini, cemana nak menten fikiran positif bila pagi-pagi lagi dah kena marah? Caranya, jangan respon pada kemarahan tu, jangan balas balik dan jangan layan lama-lama.
Orang marah habis kat kita sebab dia nak lepas geram yang dah lama tersimpan. Maybe dia geram pada perkara-perkara tertentu dalam hidupnya. Geram dulu, dia bawak ke masa sekarang.

Dia simpan rasa geram tu. Jadi, bila ada peluang, bila dia naik marah, dia lepas. Geram yang dulu dan geram yang sekarang dia kumpul semuanya, pastu dia lepas sekaligus ngan kita, macam gunung berapi yang baru meletus. Panas, hangat, menyakitkan.
Bila orang marah kita, apa nak buat? Senyum saja. Mesti dia berhenti marah punya. Kita pula lepas dimarah, diherdik, jangan terus monyok bercampur bad mood sampai ke malam. Barulah fikiran positif kita tak luntur habis. Fikiran positif senang nak dijaga, cuma kekalkan keseronokan, rasa cinta, kemaafan dan rasa gembira sepanjang hari.

Kita menjadi apa yang kita fikirkan.

 Source: iMotivasi

Ways to Relax at Work

relax work
The work day is not what it used to be. Employers are hiring less people to do more work. Many people’s work day is hectic non-stop from the time that they arrive until the time they get to go home. There is more and more demanded of them now because of the downturn in the economy. People go to work everyday worried that they will be laid off. There are things that you can do to combat this constant stress and relax a little even while you are at work.
• Take a walk. Use your breaks and lunch hour to take a brisk walk. This can make you feel revived and awake. It also counts towards the 30 minutes of exercise you need each day to be healthy. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce blood pressure and anxiety.
• Have a turkey sandwich for lunch. Turkey has a chemical in it that promotes relaxation and sleep. The carbohydrates in the bread trigger your brain to release serotonin which will help you feel relaxed and calm. Add a slice of lowfat cheese and have an apple with your sandwich and you will have a healthy, well balanced lunch.
• Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths. This can calm your nerves and bring you back into the current moment. Make sure that you focus on the way your breath feels as it fills your lungs and then how it feels on the top of your lip as you exhale.
• Buy an ergonomic chair. You sit in your chair for eight hours per day, so you want it to be comfortable. This is one way to stop pain before it even starts.
• Clear the clutter from your desk. The clutter creates metal pollution and can wear you out mentally. Before you leave for the day stop making excuses and clean your desk. This will really feel good the next morning when you come into work to a clean desk.

Source: Ineedmotivation

Methods To Keep Your Anger Under Control

Things get to us all at some point in our lives. No one is immune from negative feelings brought about by other people and situations outside of our control. We cannot control how other people make us feel, only how we react to those feelings. There are ways to keep your anger in check when you feel your temperature rising.
• Walk away from the situation. When you start to feel yourself getting angry it may be best to just get away from the source of your anger. Go for a walk; go to the bathroom just get somewhere where you can disengage from the situation. This way even if you do get angry no one will be around to see it. You do not have to worry about doing anything or saying anything you will regret later.
• Get physical to diffuse your anger. This does not mean break something valuable or hit somebody. It means work your anger out with a walk, jog or lift weights. Just make sure the activity is vigorous and it will help get all of those negative emotions out.
• Do not save the exercise for when you are angry. Getting a good workout on a regular basis is a good idea. It raises your tolerance for stimuli and will help your feel healthier over all. Incidents that used to make you angry will bounce right off of you.
• Laugh it off. Think of the situation from the outside and try to see any humor in it. Many times things will look very different if you pretend like they are not happening to you.
• Think of the situation on a global level. There are much worse things going on in the world today. Take a step back and realize that in the grand scheme of things your situation is not that bad.

Source: ineedmotivation

3 cara bagaimana untuk berdepan dengan orang yang Anda tak suka

Mesti Anda ada seseorang yang Anda kurang senang dengannya, kurang senang dengan sikapnya, dengan tutur katanya. Mungkin Anda sakit hati dengan perangai dia satu ketika dulu dan Anda susah nak maafkan hinggalah ke hari ini.

Bagaimana untuk berdepan dengan orang yang tak suka apatah lagi Anda jumpa dia setiap hari bekerja? Ini caranya:

1. Pasang niat untuk jadi serasi dengannya.

Niatkan yang Anda mahu berjalan seiringan dengannya, berbual-bual santai dengannya seolah-olah tiada apa-apa berlaku satu ketika dulu di antara Anda dengan dirinya. Pasang niat Anda mahu OK bila bersama-sama dengan dia, biar terbit rasa gembira apabila berbual-bual dengannya. Hati Anda akan terasa lapang selepas itu.

2. Lupakan masa lalu, maafkan dia, doakan dia.

Sebelum berjumpa dengan, sebelum terserempak dengannya di tempat kerja, ambil keputusan untuk melupakan saja kesalahan dirinya pada Anda. Lupakan supaya emosi Anda menjadi ringan tak terbeban oleh hambatan memori pahit yang menyakitkan hati. Doakan kemurahan rezekinya dan kebahagiaannya - sebelum dan sesudah berjumpa dengannya.

3. LET GO.

Lepaskan segala yang terbuku di hati, pilih untuk melupakan semuanya. LET GO. Ambil keputusan untuk menjalani hidup yang bebas dari emosi-emosi negatif seperti kemarahan, ego, dendam dan ketidaksefahaman. Hidup akan jadi lebih tenang apabila kita memilih untuk melupakan semua yang negatif.

Source: shueqry.blogspot