3 Methods To Building Unstoppable Motivation

Want to create motivation so strong that you can shake the ground you walk on? It’s possible, as long as it is based out of the following three states:
This is when you hit a wall and say to yourself “I’ve had enough”. I remember in school, there was this one class I was struggling with. I was usually a good student but I kept getting poor grades in that particular class. On top of it, the teacher would tell everyone your grade as you went up to pick up your test. I still remember the look on her face when she looked at the paper as she was about to call my name. I was so embarrassed and disgusted with myself, that when I went up to get the paper, I told her “This is the last time you will see a grade like this with my name on it”. I was so serious about it too. The next test, when she called my name, she only said “great work”. I had 96% on that test. The next one, she said to the whole class, “Remember how Frederic said he was never going to get a bad grade again? Looks like he is really doing it! Congratulations, Frederic, you got the highest grade in the whole class.” I finished with an A in that class. Just to show you that sometimes you need to be so disgusted with yourself to fuel your motivation to change your ways.
A decision usually comes from an inspiration, and when unleashed, it creates shock waves of motivation. I got into the business world at quite an early age. I was 20 years old when I started my first business. I had a job at a marketing company from the age of 19 till I left to start my business. I remember when I left that job, I told myself, “I will never work for anyone ever again”. In that instant, I made a decision, a big one mind you, but a decision so decisive that it shaped my entire future. Sure, I’ve had my ups and downs throughout the years. Some businesses worked and some did not. But I stuck to my decision that I made at age 20. To me, there was no other option, but to keep going and work for myself and be my own boss. There were moments that I got myself into huge debts, and in the early years of starting a business, there are no guarantees that money will be coming in consistently. I could have just said, “the heck with this” and went back to work somewhere and make a decent wage. But I never did. That’s how powerful a decision is. It creates a one way path. There is no other way around it. That’s unshakeable motivation!
When you want something bad enough, you always find a way to make it happen. I remember when I got my first car. Everyone around me was telling me how expensive insurance was and how gas was so pricey. I was doing calculations, and I just couldn’t afford a new car. I wanted a brand new car, I didn’t want a used one (which looking back would have made it a lot easier to have!) and have unexpected surprises. I lived an hour away from school and the city and having a car meant a whole new lifestyle. I craved for that freedom. I wanted it so bad that I found a way. I was able to shuffle a few things around in my budget, give up on certain expenses and on some extra features on the car, but overall, it was very close to what I wanted to begin with. When you desire something, you will sum up enough motivation and drive to make it a reality. Everything is possible, you just have to want it bad enough for it to happen.
Now of course these are simple examples, but you get the idea.  These three states can dramatically alter your motivation.  It creates a mutation in your willpower and magic can happen!

 Source: Ineedmotivation

4 Tips To Gain Extra Time Each Day

If there is one constant in this world that no one has an advantage over another, is that we all have 24 hours per day; nothing more, nothing less. So how come some people seem just overwhelmed yet others breeze through each day without concern or worry? It’s all about how you manage your time and how you perceive its use. Here are some tips that have helped me better allocate my time each day.
Law of control
Probably the most crucial point is to overcome the mentality that time is uncontrollable and start thinking that you have the ability to control, assess, and use time in any way you wish. This is what some call the “law of control”, or locus of control, where you believe that you have a hand in how time unravels. You must start believing that you can do something about it, and that you can better manage your time. Once you start thinking along these lines, everything else starts changing. You are just realizing what has been there all along, in that you CAN control time and make it work for you.
Think about what you are doing
Most people run around throughout their day, going from one task to another, without much thought. They are on some automatic pilot mode and then wonder where all the time has gone. Take the time, perhaps 20-30 minutes per day to think about what it is exactly that you are doing, which direction you are heading in and what your goals are. I guarantee you, this 20-30 minutes will save 4-7 hours per week. It keeps your goals fresh in your mind and enhances your concentration. This tip has certainly made significant strides in my own life.
Say no to irrelevant tasks
More than 50% of what people do each day is irrelevant to their goals or tasks at hand. Don’t get caught up in doing things that are not on your list of things to do. Learn to say no because you have better fish to fry. This, of course, is an acquired taste, as the more you say no, the better you get used to it. As well, pay attention to how you allocate your time and keep asking yourself, is this the best use of my time right now? This will help lower the common distractions that people experience, especially when it comes to wasting time on the web or watching television for example.
Add 30% rule
This is a tip that has really helped me tremendously. I was always worried about running out of time when it came time to completing tasks, and this could cause paralysis and then nothing gets done. Give yourself a buffer zone. Figure out the time it takes to complete the task and give it an extra 30% buffer so that your conscious mind knows that you have ample time and stops worrying about the clock. Trust me, you will feel so much better, it will accentuate your focus, and you will get a lot more work done.

 Source: Ineedmotivation